Emily D Courses

Emily offers three courses - Chaos to Keepsake, Babies First Year and an Annual Book class. All of our offerings take overwhelm of the digital photography world by providing clear step by step instructions. Class tasks are broken down into small steps that answer all of your questions - how do I choose photos, which paper should I use, what book should I start first, do I need to edit my photos and how....... we answered all of your questions because we are parents like you with busy lives, limited resources and endless demands on our time.
Is our all in one class. This course teaches you how to back up, organize, edit and print your photos. Whether you want a giant photo wall, to design books, print, organize stacks of existing paper photos this course is for you.
Chaos to Keepsake
ANNUAL COURSE/ babies first year
These are paint by numbers course - they are bite sized versions of C2K - a great starting point that lays out your options step by step. We lay out in step by step detail how to create an annual OR first year baby photo book - from the font you should use per chapter, the number of photos you need per​ month and where/how to print. It's all plainly laid out for you. These courses are broken into 4 parts and have a full video that shows Emily walking you through the step by step of how to design a book. Once you purchase this class we will send you an email asking which class you purchased.
Why should you care about printing your photos?
The photographer in me wants you to know that digital files age like any other piece of technology. And, when technology ages it becomes more annoying and costly to access and make them communicate with current technology. Think of a digital photo as a VHS tape - you could certainly plug your VCR into your TV but the new smart TV’s would require a different plug to connect it and the picture would be pretty crummy. Digital photos are like a VHS tape - do yourself a favour and print them so you won't have issues in the future.
The mother, daughter, wife and memory keeper in me wants you to know that the photos you painstakingly take shrink a little bit every year. If you don't print your photos the rapidly advancing technology makes it so that you need to print them smaller and smaller.
Like many of you reading this - my only introduction to telling my family's story was watching my Mom print a roll of film after a special occasion, stand by the garbage when we got home and throw the closed eyes ones in the bin from there she would slip the rest into one of ten photobooks that live under her coffee table to this day. That’s it - the story of my parents pre kid life and my childhood are ready for me and my kids to consume every time we go for a visit. The difference between our parents and us is this - they only had one option in the 80’s and most of the 90’s so she didn’t have to think about it. She’s a naturally organized person who had one system and never faltered.
If you’re like me, and have a full and overflowing life join me in finally getting your images off your devices and into your life.
what people are saying
Emily’s photo book course has been just what I needed to stop procrastinating about the overwhelming number of pictures I needed to print. She provides really helpful advice and a method of tackling the pics in a way that is manageable. Emily makes something that is daunting feel fun! It’s a weight lifted! Thank you, Emily!
I’m so thankful for this course. It’s been just what I needed. Also, a little Control over something at a time when it feels like we have control over nothing at all!
Emily’s “Chaos to Keepsake” course has been amazing! Her simple, flexible, and totally manageable approach has helped this very busy and very lazy mama finally make baby books, and also taught me the skills I need to ensure my photos are safe for the long haul. She took the time to really listen to my story to help me make books that capture my unique motherhood journey. And the online class sessions have been helpful and fun!